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Rick Wahlstrom

Outplacement and Career Transition Services
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Rick Wahlstrom

Posted by on Feb 22, 2022

Rick Wahlstrom

I attended CareerMakers back in the Spring of 1992. Even though it’s been 30 years I still have the materials from that time including the “flower” (which I think you have now transitioned to a “compass”). I also purchased Want a New Better Fantastic Job? a few years back when I was developing a leadership course for K-12 technology employees wanting to move into management. The students found videotaping a mock job interview and critiquing other interviews very beneficial.

As I envision my next five years transitioning into “retirement” work, I find myself once again reviewing the materials and my responses from those many years ago. Thank you for the experience – I can’t overstate how much it has benefited me over the years.