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CareerMakers Resume Review

Outplacement and Career Transition Services
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CareerMakers Resume Review

Since 1984 I have successfully reviewed thousands of resumes, making them dynamic and focused “sales brochure” instead of historical “obituaries.” In person or email clients very welcome for 45 minute session.

Service begins at $175-

We look forward to answering your questions. Contact CareerMakers today by calling (503) 699-3192.

I attended CareerMakers back in the Spring of 1992. Even though it’s been 30 years I still have the materials from that time including the “flower” (which I think you have now transitioned to a “compass”). I also purchased Want a New Better Fantastic Job? a few years back when I was developing a leadership course for K-12 technology employees wanting to move into management. The students found videotaping a mock job interview and critiquing other interviews very beneficial.

As I envision my next five years transitioning into “retirement” work, I find myself once again reviewing the materials and my responses from those many years ago. Thank you for the experience – I can’t overstate how much it has benefited me over the years.

Northwest Regional ESD 02/22/2022